Our In-House Denture Lab and Experienced Clinical Dental Technicians

Quality Dentures Fabricated On-Site

At Manitoulin Denture Clinic, we understand that you need your dentures quickly. With our own in-house denture lab and experienced clinical dental technicians, you don’t have to wait long to get your new dentures. We fabricate high-quality dentures on our premises, so you don’t have to wait for your dentures to be sent away to be made.

Professional Care

Our clinical dental technicians are experienced and knowledgeable, providing professional care and excellent customer service. We understand that getting new dentures can be intimidating, so we take the time to make sure that you have all the information you need and that you are comfortable with the process.

Affordable Products 

At Manitoulin Denture Clinic, we offer quality dentures that are also affordable. We strive to make sure that everyone has access to quality dental care, so we work hard to provide products that are both high-quality and affordable.

Contact us today to make an appointment!